Camps Bay Beach's best African artist

Happy Hippo is one of the most celebrated artists on the Camps Bay strip and an artwork from his collection will be the perfect memento to adorn your or a friend's wall at home.

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Watch These Videos Below To See Happy Hippo in action and what others have to say...

Happy Hippo has been at his craft for 11 years and is extremely dedicated in providing unique pieces for each person - no artwork is the same as they are all hand painted by Happy Hippo himself

Happy Hippo finishing up a massive piece for a client

Happy Hippo getting ready to start his craft. The full video is above

About Us


"Where Art Meets the Heart of Africa" – Happy Hippo


Happy Hippo a.k.a Genius Nyirenda

Genius Nyirenda, affectionately known as Happy Hippo, brings the vibrant soul of Malawi to life through his art. The name "Happy Hippo," lovingly given by his grandmother, is a tribute to his childhood spent along the riverbanks, where he delighted in feeding hippos with sweet potatoes.

His artistic journey began under the unintentional mentorship of his older brother, a talented artist in Malawi. Though his brother lacked the patience to formally teach him, young Genius absorbed the craft by observing and imitating, eventually teaching himself the intricacies of painting. What began as a way to stay quiet and occupied grew into a lifelong passion.

For over 11 years, Genius has honed his skills professionally, drawing on the vibrant colors, landscapes, and cultural stories of his homeland. Each piece he creates is a testament to his persistence, self-learning, and deep connection to his roots. Now based in Cape Town, South Africa, Happy Hippo continues to share his journey and passion, transforming his rich heritage and personal experiences into captivating visual narratives.

His artwork not only reflects the beauty and warmth of Africa but also serves as a bridge connecting people to the heart of the continent, one brushstroke at a time.

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